Helpful Tidbits for the Sports Imbecile

Dear Sports Imbecile: As a fellow halfwit when it comes to sports, I felt it important to share some lessons I’ve learned about living with this rare social handicap. A football is neither. The game called football has hardly any foot work and the so-called “ball” is really a prolate spheriod. WARNING: Saying, “hey guys,…

A Better Tribalism

There’s been a lot said about tribalism lately, mostly bad. I’m not a sports guy, but when I listen to sports fans, I see our tribalistic tendencies at work (by the way, you know the word “fan” is short for “fanatic: a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion toward some controversial matter.”) But…

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get a Strongman

While I have not read the book Strongmen, I have watched the rise of global leaders who could be described that way. Bombastic, egotistical, self-righteous, excessively confident (and almost always men). They are populist autocrats, and I find their rise to power proportionate to a rise in fear. This isn’t a new phenomenon, nor is…

The Slaughter of Mrs. Humphrey

Source: Google Photo I have written a couple unpublished novels of speculative, post-apocalyptic fiction. Here’s an excerpt, just for fun. Rosemary has always thought that Elder Stoltz’s face looks very like a mouse. Though she muster all powers of concentration, she cannot stop herself from seeing him in this way. His ears stick out nearly…

My 26-Year-Old Mid-Life Crisis

The only birthday that triggered something akin to a mid-life crisis was my 26th. It dawned on my that I could never utter the phrase, “I’m in my early twenties.” Some might argue that that would have been true on my 25th birthday, but there was something about turning twenty-six that tripped me up. The…