The House on Sheridan Drive

I had a short story published about zombies. Or is it about zombies? “The House on Sheridan Drive” by Scott Bessenecker — Two Sisters Writing and Publishing

American Christian Syncretism

we must undertake a holy, humble self-examination of American Christian syncretism. Where has the message of Jesus become so tangled up with the beliefs embedded in our culture that it has become indistinguishable as the gospel?

Holistic Mission—Right Belief and Right Action

Belief and action. In Revelation, we see these two concepts held up side by side. Christ says to several of the churches in the opening chapters of the book, “I know your deeds,” while chiding or commending others because of their beliefs.

Orthopraxy: Learning How to Live Out Our Faith From Heathen

Shepherds, tax collectors, and prostitutes manage to find and follow Jesus. But quite often, those who are obsessed with orthodoxy end up missing signs of the Messiah. It should, therefore, be no surprise to us when Jesus highlights the theologically-incorrect as a contrast to those who possess right theology but wrong attitudes and behaviors.

Incarnational Ministry in the Colony of Evangelicalism

American Evangelicalism today often bears the marks of Empire. We are seduced by presidential candidates and emulate the commercial corporation. Many of our large churches and ministries have adopted the methodologies of commercial enterprises, accumulating massive properties and wealth. But another reformation is on the way, and I welcome this prophetic indictment of the colonized Church.